Hyde Road Dalkey,, Dublin
Membership Registration
Hyde Road Dalkey,, Dublin, Ireland.
General Camp 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 Venue- Cuala Hyde Road Time- 10am - 1.30pm Date- Week 1 - 14th - 17th April Date - Week 2- 22nd - 25th April Cost - 70 euro per week ( 5 euro discount for each additional sibling) Development Camp 2012, 2011, 2010 Venue- Cuala Hyde Road Time- 2pm - 4.30pm Date- Week 1 - 15th - 17th April ( Camogie/ Hurling) Date - Week 2- 22nd - 24th April ( Football) Cost - 50 euro per week ( 5 euro discount for each additional sibling) Performance Week 2009, 2008, 2007 Venue- Cuala Hyde Road Time- 4.30pm - 7pm Date- Week 1 - 15th - 16th April ( Camogie/ Hurling) Date - Week 2- 22nd - 23rd April ( Football) Cost - 35 euro per week ( 5 euro discount for each additional sibling) Stuff to Bring: Packed lunch/snacks, Water Bottle, Sun cream & Wet Gear (for light drizzle, if heavy rain shower we will go into the hall), Helmet /hurley/ Gum Shield. OPEN TO CUALA GAA CLUB MEMBERS ONLY