Cuala GAA Club Events

Hyde Road Dalkey,, Dublin

Membership Registration

Cuala GAA Club Events

Membership Registration

Cuala GAA Club Events

Hyde Road Dalkey,, Dublin


Cuala GAA Club Events

Hyde Road Dalkey,,
Dublin, Ireland.

Cuala GAA Easter Camps 2025

General Camp 
2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013
Venue- Cuala Hyde Road
Time- 10am - 1.30pm
Date- Week 1 - 14th - 17th April 
Date - Week 2- 22nd - 25th April
Cost - 70 euro per week ( 5 euro discount for each additional sibling)

Development Camp
2012, 2011, 2010
Venue- Cuala Hyde Road
Time- 2pm - 4.30pm
Date- Week 1 - 15th - 17th April ( Camogie/ Hurling)
Date - Week 2- 22nd - 24th April ( Football)
Cost - 50 euro per week ( 5 euro discount for each additional sibling)

Performance Week
2009, 2008, 2007
Venue- Cuala Hyde Road
Time- 4.30pm - 7pm
Date- Week 1 - 15th - 16th April ( Camogie/ Hurling)
Date - Week 2- 22nd - 23rd April ( Football)
Cost - 35 euro per week ( 5 euro discount for each additional sibling)

Stuff to Bring:
Packed lunch/snacks, Water Bottle, Sun cream & Wet Gear (for light drizzle, if heavy rain shower we will go into the hall), Helmet /hurley/ Gum Shield.


Registration Plan

Quantity Registration Plan Cost
Register for Week 1 - General Camp (14th-17th April) €70.00
Register for Week 2 - General Camp (22nd-25th April) €70.00
Register for Week 1 - Development Camp - Camogie/Hurling - (15th-17th April) €50.00
Register for Week 2 - Development Camp - Football - (22nd-24th April) €50.00
Register for Week 1 - Performance Week - Camogie/Hurling - (15th-16th April) €35.00
Register for Week 2 - Performance Week - Football - (22nd-23rd April) €35.00