St Furseys LGFA
Adult Member Consents
I subscribe to and undertake to further the aims and objectives of the club and of The Ladies Gaelic Football Association and to abide by its Rules. a) Should any of this information change within the year, the onus is on the member to inform the club. 2020 LGFA Club Membership Form b) I understand the personal data on this form will be used by the club and the LGFA for the contractual purpose of registering (or re-registering) and maintaining my membership. c) I understand that my personal data will also be used for (but not limited to) purposes to maintain my membership including registrations, team-sheets, referee reports, disciplinary matters, injury reports, transfers, sanctions, permits and for statistical purposes. d) I understand that if I do not provide my personal data my membership cannot be registered with the club and the LGFA. e) I understand that my contact information may be used to provide me with updates regarding legitimate club and LGFA activities. f) I am aware that my photograph or video image may be taken whilst attending or participating in games or activities connected with the LGFA and I understand it may be used by the LGFA for items such as match programmes, year books, match reports, event reports or on websites or social media channels associated with the LGFA.
I understand my rights under Data Protection legislation, as outlined on the reverse of this form