Managing Your Club Finances

Managing Member Data

Connemara RFC

Connemara RFC Consents

Connemara RFC Consents 

Parental & Medical Consent

I hereby give my son/daughter permission to join & take part in activities of Connemara RFC - Youth & mini Rugby. The Sports Leaders of the club have permission to act in place of the parent. While the players are under their supervision I agree to fully exempt the Sports Leaders from any liability for accident & / or injury to my son/daughter while pursuing the activities of the club as a member of the club. In the event of an accident during training or play, I give consent that my son/daughter, in the first instance, may be attended to by his/her team sports Leaders. In the event of an accident during training or play where medical care becomes necessary, I authorise the Sports Leader in charge to sign on my behalf any written forms of consent required, provided that the delay necessitated to obtain my signature might endanger my son's/daughter's health or safety.


Data Protection & Consent

It is necessary for Connemara RFC to collect and record certain personal data relating to each member, including the player's name, address, telephone number & date of birth. The data about each member will be used for management & administration purposes only & shall be provided to the IRFU & other third parties to facilitate any services provided by the Club. Any party receiving the information shall not use it for commercial purposes or release it to any party without prior approval. The Club wishes to ensure that each of its members (for the purpose of applicable data protection legislation) explicitly & unambiguously consents to the processing of personal data by the club in conjunction with its ordinary business.

Additionally, Connemara RFC reserves the right to publish match reports & rugby related images including photographs & film of each member on the Connemara website , in club publications & in local or national print or electronic media. I consent to the use of the personal details as set out above for such purposes as the Club considers reasonable & appropriate.

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 Managing Member Data