Managing Your Club Finances

Managing Member Data

Naas Cobras Volleyball Club

Naas Cobras Volleyball Club Child Protection & Training Supervisor

*In order for the club to be compliant with nationwide policies for child protection - a mother/female guardian will be required to be in attendance in the sports hall at training and matches on a rotational basis. You are not required to help out with coaching UNLESS you wish to get involved in which case we would be delighted to have you on-board and give you the necessary training for same.

If no female supervisor is available then training will NOT go ahead. This rota will be co-ordinated by the team parent liaison officer. We would envisage that this would only be about twice a year per family. You will be required to undergo Garda Vetting for this which we as a club will organise and you may require undertaking safe guarding certification through local Sports Partnership also.** If any parent is willing to get involved in coaching or being the team liaison officer please inform a member of the committee.

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 Managing Member Data