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St. Patrick's Boys AFC

St Patrick's Boys AFC Code of Conduct

St. Patrick’s Boys Code of Conduct

  • Do your best at all times, enjoy playing and learning the game. Play for yourself and your team, your team’s performance will benefit and so will your own.
  • Treat your fellow club members and team mates as you would like them to treat you. Do not bully or take advantage of any players or club members.
  • Look after all club equipment and property, it’s for your benefit and use.
  • Treat your opponents, team mates, club officials and match officials with respect. Accept the referee’s decision. At the final whistle line up and shake hands with the opposition team and officials. Be a good sport. Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.
  • Have fun, make friends and enjoy playing the game. Do not lose your temper. Bullying, fighting, bad temper, bad language, spitting, kicking and racism will not be tolerated.
  • Play by the Laws of the game.
  • Arrive on time for training and matches. If you are not available to come to matches or are running late make sure your manager knows. Listen to your coaches and do what is asked of you. If you are not sure what the coach wants you to do ask.
  • As a member of St. Pat’s you are a representative of the club and your actions directly reflect upon the club and other club members. If you are found to have done anything wrong the committee has the right to suspend you from games.
  • Parents
  • Please do not coach your children during match days and training sessions. It is the job of the Coach to train the children.
  • Please respect the rules of the club and make sure your children are aware of all of these rules.
  • If children are in breach of the rules of St. Pat’s Boys Soccer Club the committee will exercise its right to give a child a warning and in extreme circumstances suspend a child.
  • Your continued cooperation and support is vital to the on-going improvement of the club and is appreciated by the Committee.


  • Please do not coach your children during match days and training sessions. It is the job of the Coach to train the children.
  • Please respect the rules of the club and make sure your children are aware of all of these rules.
  • If children are in breach of the rules of St. Pat’s Boys Soccer Club the committee will exercise its right to give a child a warning and in extreme circumstances suspend a child.
  • Your continued cooperation and support is vital to the on-going improvement of the club and is appreciated by the Committee.
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