Boyne Athletic Club (AC)
Rules and Athletes Commitment
Rules and Athletes Commitment 1. Members must be born in or prior to 2013. (Birth certificate will be required) 2. Membership fee covers insurance and registration for the year on joining as follows: 3. Completed application form & fee to be returned before member commences training 4. This membership covers you from 01/01 until 31/12. 5. Training times and locations as specified in accompanying document, athletes will be notified of changes. 6. Bad behaviour will not be tolerated and may lead to dismissal from the club 7. All members are EXPECTED to attend races throughout the year for the club, a list of events is in accompanying document, and will be updated on our website/Facebook as available 8. Club vests must be worn during ALL races. These can be purchased from the Club 9. Members MUSTnot attend training if they are suffering/recovering from illness/injury 10. Any health condition that could affect a member while training must be brought to the attention of the coaches. (Asthma suffers must bring inhalers to training and races) 11. All attending training must have a drink and wear appropriate clothing for weather conditions. 12. All athletes must agree to help out and take part in fundraising activities for the club 13. All athletes must agree to accept coaching from the club and to behave in an appropriate way at ALL times 14. All athletes must agree to have FUN, make new friends and learn about athletics from their coaches and mentors 15. I will respect fellow athletes, coaches and officials from our club and opposing clubs. 16. I agree tomaintain the integrity and respect for the club and its members at all times including on all social media forums. 17. I agree notto use the name of Boyne A.C. in any adverse manner in any media or verbal communication/forum. 18. All athletes must attend club training to avail of Louth and Leinster entries. On occasion filming and photographic equipment may be used during or at sport related events and may be used in the reporting or promotion of the sport. If you do not wish your child to be photographed please advise the clubs Child Welfare Officers, Ellen Byrne and/or Deirdre McTeggart. Notwithstanding AAI insurance cover for participation in official events, I understand that membership of the Club is my own choosing and that no liability will be placed on the club or committee for any injuries sustained, or for any property lost while training or participating for the club. Uninsured or unregistered athletes cannot use the club facilities under any circumstance