Managing Member Data

Newcastle Athletic Club

Newcastle AC Code of Conduct for Children/Young People

Children are expected to: 

- Keep within the defined boundary of the playing/coaching area. 

- Behave and listen to all instructions from the coach. 

- Take care of equipment and kit owned by the club. 

- Refrain from the use of bad language or racial/sectarian references. 

- Refrain from bullying or persistent use of rough and dangerous play. 

- Show respect to other youth members and leaders. 

- Keep themselves safe. 

- Report inappropriate behaviour or risky situations for youth members. 

- Play fairly. 

- Respect officials and accept decisions. 

- Not cheat. 

- Not use violence. 

- Not leave training area until picked up by parent/guardian. 

Race Participation: Children will be expected to compete in four races during the membership year (Apr – Mar). The races can be part of the McGrady Cross Country Series, Super 5 Series or any Organised Junior Race whereby the child runs as a member of Newcastle Junior Athletics Club (school events and races are not included). If a member fails to compete in four events, their membership may not be renewed the following year except in exceptional circumstances. If a waiting list of potential new members exists, those on it will be offered membership ahead of the renewing member.

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 Managing Member Data