Managing Member Data

Knocknacarra FC

Knocknacarra FC - Concent Form.

Knocknacarra Fc has in force a Child Protection & Welfare Policy which deals with the Clubs responsibilities to our young members. The Full content of this document is available to view on request                                
Our Child Protection Guidelines include                                                           
*    Safety Policy                            
*    Recruitment Policy                            
*    Education & Support Policy                            
*    Travelling Guidelines & Away Trips                            
*    Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs Policy                            
*    Bullying Policy                            
*    Photographic Policy                            
*    Procedures for dealing with allegations of Child Abuse                            
*    Code of Conduct for Spectators                            
*    Disciplinary, Complaints, & Appeals Procedures                            
In line with above procedures, and having parental responsibility for this child, I give consent   
*    For my Child to travel to matches and away trips in line with Club Policy                          
*    For my Child to be included in Club Photographs                            
*    For Medical Treatment to be administered if and when necessary, by a qualified first aider and / or a qualified medical practitioner                            
I Confirm that I will inform the club of any changes to Address or Telephone No's                                                            
In so far as Knocknacarra FC will undertake to have in place current Public Liability Insurance throughout the season to protect all its members from personal liability in the case of a lawsuit we must point out that we do NOT provide personal injury insurance to any member/player or coach. Your child's school may have 24 hour insurance cover which would include playing football. I the undersigned, accept that my child is preparing, training for and playing in football games with Knocknacarra FC at his/her own risk and I will be responsible for organising my own personal injury insurance for him/her if necessary. I do not expect Knocknacarra FC, The Galway and District League or the opposing team who so ever they may be to be held accountable for loss of earnings or medical or incidental personal expenses incurred whilst taking part in Football with Knocknacarra FC.

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 Managing Member Data