November 18 2019
International Veterans Gallop Around Aintree Newcastle and District AC veterans Thomas O’Gorman (MV35) and Connaire McVeigh (MV40) headed to Liverpool to take part in the 32nd British & Irish Masters Cross Country International which this year was run over the famous Grand National Aintree course just outside Liverpool.
November 11 2019
Podium Finish for Tom at the Run to Remember 5k Over the weekend, Atlas Running held the second Run to Remember 5k in a very saturated Ballynahinch, with over 200 hardy souls taking part. Tom Crudgington from Newcastle AC had a podium finish, coming third in a very commendable time of 19:26.
November 10 2019
The 40th Dublin Marathon & Totten Shines in the Best Ever for Newcastle & District AC The great thing about running is that eventually, unless you’re really unlucky, it gives you back what you put in and more. Sunday 27th October, the occasion of the 40th Dublin Marathon, was absolutely one of those days with PBs (personal bests) all over the place.