Tinryland GFC

Rathcrogue, Carlow

Tinryland GFC

Tinryland GFC

Rathcrogue, Carlow


Tinryland GFC

Rathcrogue ,
Carlow, Ireland.

Tinryland GFC

March 9 2025

Tinryland GFC Notes 9th March 2025

            Tinryland Club Notes March 9th 2025

The 2025 season began on Monday last when the Minor U18 team were first in action. After a high scoring game with Fenagh, Tinryland emerged victorious on a scoreline of 8-10 to 4-4.

Outstanding for Tinryland were Rian Nolan, Tomas Murphy, Luke Cahill and Oisin Fagan.

The minor team will be back in action on Tomorrow Monday 10th March at home to Kildavin-Clonegal at 7 p.m.

At U16 level Tinryland will play their opening game of the season in the Spring league away to Fenagh on this coming Thursday 13th March at 7 p.m.

The opening round of the Cental U14 championship will take place on Sunday next 16th March at 11 a.m. when Tinryland will host Railyard.

It is planned to hold the South East sevens underage tournament once again this year during late June and early July and a launch night for the event which attracted over 90 clubs last year will take place at the end of March.

Tinryland seniors will play their first game in the S.F.L division 1 away to Rathvilly on this coming Friday 14th March in Fr. Ryan Park at 7.30 p.m. The Junior (A) team will host our neighbours Palatine in the S.F.L division 3 on Saturday next 15th March at 7.30 p.m.

Bennekerry/Tinryland ladies club will celebrate an outstanding year when they won Carlow, Leinster and All Ireland titles at their dinner dance in the Lord Bagenal hotel Leighlinbridge on Friday next 14th March at 7.30 p.m. Tickets for the event are still available from Yvonne at 0857374939, Sinead at 0860226141 or Tasha at 0857083127. Former LGFA president Marie Hickey will be the guest of honour at the event.

The club Cheltenham challenge will be held once again this year and entries for the 4 days must be with any of the organising committee before 11 am on this coming Tuesday 11th March.

The club lotto Jackpot still stands at €10,000 and can be played online via the clubforce app or by purchasing a ticket from any committee member. Last week’s lucky dip winners were: Jim Deane, Cliona O’Leary, Liam Delaney and Andrea and Ciara Jeaney.  

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