Rathcrogue, Carlow
Rathcrogue , Carlow, Ireland.
February 16 2025
Tinryland G.F.C. Notes February 16th 2025
With the new playing season just around the corner the various management teams for all adult squads are now in place.
The senior team for 2025 will have Mick Kehoe and Eddie Dowling in charge assisted by Cian Lawlor.
The opening senior games will take place in mid- March and training has already commenced.
At junior level it is hoped to field two teams in 2025. The management team for the juniors will consist of Alan Doyle, Ger Broderick and Eamonn O’Sullivan assisted by Conor Byrne, Gregg Murphy, Padraic Whelan and Joey Ryan. A launch night for junior players will be held on this coming Thursday 20th February commencing with training at 7.30 p.m. Old and new players are welcome and there will be refreshments served in the clubhouse afterwards.
At minor level Bob Cahill, Peter Scully and Colm O’Connor will be in charge for the coming year.
Emma Deane has been elected as juvenile chairperson for 2025. The juvenile coaching season will kick off on this coming Wednesday 19th February commencing at 6.30 p.m. and will continue on Monday and Wednesday evenings at the same time throughout the season. The annual south east sevens juvenile tournament will once again be held over 3 weekends during late June and early July. Last year’s tournament attracted 93 club teams from fourteen counties catering for boys and girl’s teams at U12, U14 and U16 level. It is planned to hold a senior sevens tournament for men and women on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th of July.
Bennekerry-Tinryland ladies will celebrate their recent Carlow, Leinster and All Ireland victories at their dinner dance on Friday 14th March at the Lord Bagenal Inn Leighlinbridge. Tickets are available from Yvonne at 0857374939 or Sinead at 0860226141.
The club lotto jackpot currently stands at €10,000 and can be played online via the club force app or by purchasing a ticket from any committee member. Last week’s lucky dip winners were: Jean O’Connor, Padraic Deane, Mick Mullins and Andrea and Ciara Jeaney.