1.Mon - 6pm - TTBS Soccer
2. Mon - 7.15pm - Transforming Trasna
3. Tues - 6pm - Year 9 to Year 12 girls
4. Tues - 7pm - Sean Treacys Ladies Social Rounders
5. Wed - 6pm - P1 to Year 9 girls only
6. Wed - 7.15pm - Transforming Trasna
7. Wed - 8.30pm - Private Booking 3g pitch
8. Thurs - 6pm - Sean Treacy's Social Hurling
9. Thurs - 7.30pm - Youth Club
10. Fri - 6pm - P1 to P5 boys & girls
Coffee morning in aid of all under-age girls teams throughout the club will take place on Sunday 7 November from 11am. There will also be a fund-raising draw with tickets priced £1 each and available at any coaching session. Prizes donated to date include Fruit Basket from Hendersons fruit & veg, 2 Playr-Fit retro t-shirts, Hair Flair Voucher, Spray Tan Voucher from the Tan Stand, CaralAnn Mc Carron Hair Voucher, Pizza Bellenolive