Mon. 9th May
U14 Girls V Stabannon/Mochtas AWAY Time &Venue: TBC
U9 Boys & Girls Blitz @7pm AWAY in St. Kevins
U16 Boys V St. Brides @7.30pm AWAY in Knockbridge
Junior Ladies V Clan na Gaels @8pm HOME
Wed. 11th May
U16 Girls V O. Plunketts @7pm HOME
U14 Boys V Geraldines @7.30pm HOME
U10 Boys & Girls All County blitz @7pm in Darver
Thurs. 12th May
U12 Girls V Hunterstown/Mattock AWAY Time & Venue: TBC
Fri. 13th May
Senior Men V St. Mary’s @7.30pm AWAY in Ardee
Sun. 15th May
U8 Boys & Girls blitz @11am AWAY in Plunketts
Thanks to all our friends and members that supported our fundraiser with Neven Maguire in the City North. The dishes were sponsored by Grand Designs, Western Motors Drogheda and Michael Briscoes. A special thanks to the development committee for all their work especially Evelyn Connor. A great night was had by all. Check out some pictures taken by Kieran Carr. Thanks again to everyone for all the support.
Newtown Blues Committee