The Four numbers drawn out of the drum by the Independent observer, KevinGalvin (Snr), Ballrehan, LixnawonMonday6th November in Herbert’s Bar , Kilflynn were 7,23,26 and 29.There was No winner of €3100 Jackpot. The following won €35 in the luckydip draw: Joanne Kelliher, Banemore, Gavin Parker, Fear an Flainn, Kilflynn and Caroline Foley,Abbeydorney. The next draw will take place in Parker's Pub, Kilflynn onMonday13th November with a 3200 Jackpot.Tickets are available at 2 Euro each or 3 for 5 euro from Club tickets sellers or you can also play onwww.locallotto.ieTheCrotta Hurling Club also have lotto tickets sellers calling to Houses in The Kilflynn andsurrounding areas at present. Your continued support is greatlyappreciated. Checkout*<>*