2 winners:- Joseph Sloan & Seamus Gleeson Congratulations
Only one game took place this week-end our u/16 footballers lost by one point in their league game against thomas Davis in Killtipper. They were very unlucky to lose havinfg come back from a 7 point defecit at half time to equalize with a cou[le of minitues to go. Unfortunately the opposition scored in the dying moments of the game so it was not to be for our lads .It was a very sad week-end for our club with the sad passing of one of our starlward members Fred Turner. Fred has been with the club for many years and was one of the people who worked so hard to make the dream of our present Clubhouse become a reality. He walked the roads of Cabra selling raffle tickets for our fundraising draws and paid many visits to the Dept. of Sports chasing grants from the lottery. We would like to extend our sincere sympathy to Fred's wife and family on their sad loss. He will be greatly missed by all. Go ndéanadh Dia trócaire ar a anam dílis . Festival meeting will be held on Monday April 8th next in the upstairs bar. All those willing to help with festival week welcome to attend.. Music in club every week-end Carver every Sunday. Easter raffle takes place on Thursday night next in bar.