Mixed bag of results this week-end senior hurlers lost to Setanta in a cup game while our junior hurlers beat Kevin's in their cup match Well done lads. Our u/8's had two good wins in their games.Our senior camogie team lost in their game but the management team were very pleased with the performance of our young players who were making their debut in the senior side. Junior camogie team received a walk over in their opening game. Our minor footballers drew with Balinteer in a very closely contested game in the boggies. It was a very good game to watch well done to both sides. Our team of the week this week is our u/16 hurlers who had an excellent win over Brigid's in the Bogie's Our supporters were treated to a great game, very sporting with some very good patches of hurling. Every player played a part in this victory from our goalkeeper to our forwards Well done to the management team also they are doing a great job with this side . Best of luck in the league lads you are doing your club proud. Comhghairdeachais to Eoghan Ó Fógartaigh who was on the winning I.T.B. team who won the Trench cup for the first time. Well done to all concerned. The club would like to wish a speedy recovery to Fred Turner (sen.) Hope to see you out and about again soon Fred. Executive meeting on Thursday next 8oc. Juvenile meeting on Tuesday night 9oc. Music in clubhouse every week-end see notice board for details. Carvery in club every Sunday. Calling all men who think they would like to be part of the Cabra men's choir. come along to upstairs bar at 7 oc. on Thursday next.
Lotto numbers 5, 24, 28 no winner next weeks lotto is €1,200.