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Naomh Fionnbarra GAA Club

Draw Details for February 10 2013

Lotto Numbers Drawn


Prize Value Winners
Match 3 numbers to win/share    
€ 3,800.00 0

Just a few games survived the weather this week-end in the juvenile section. Our u/8's u/13 and u/14's all played in their respective leagues but without success in any of the games. Congratulations to Dublin hurlers on winning the Walsh cup and to "Trollier" who was part of the team. Meeting of Executive Committee on Thursday next at 8oc in the clubhouse. Meeting of Juvenile Committee on Tuesday night at 9oc. Music in clubhouse every week-end see notiice board for details. Calling all club members both past and present have you signed up for the club lotto? Your club really needs your support please contact club if you have not already joined up but would like to do so Music lessons every Monday and Tuesday for both adults and children. Sean-nós dancing for adults and children every Tuesday and Thursday night for adults and Friday afternoon for children. Members for new men's choir needed. Lotto numbers this weeek were 14,17,22 no winners next weeks lotto is €4,000.
€20 lucky dip winners:- M/M Bolger
                                   Paul Byrne
                                   Ryan Curley
                                   Denise Smithers
€20 on line winner:-      Joe Lyons

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