We had a fantastic night in the club on Sunday. Kevin McManamon and ColmMurphy brought Sam Maguire to the club at 5.30pm .Over 250 children in ouracademy turned up to greet them and have their photo taken with the lads and Sam.Afterwards Colm and Kevin were joined by seven of the Dublin team for a night ofcelebration, in the members lounge. Appropriate tributes were paid to both Kevinand Colm and a specially commissioned video to mark the occasion was shown onthe night. It was an evening that will be long remembered by all who were there. Ourthanks to Brian Carthy for doing MC on the night. Once again congratulations Kevinand Colm you have done the club proud. On Thursday our intermediate footballersplay Na Fianna in the championship at 7.30pm in Newcastle. On Sunday our minorhurlers play Ballyboden in the championship at 11.00am in Tymon. Please comealong and support. Bingo this Wednesday night at 8.00pm.Congratulations to DeirdreFeore and husband Dave on the birth of their baby daughter . Lotto was held onMonday night, numbers this week are 1,6,14,21 no winner. One winner of match3 ,Meabh Doyle . Next week’s jackpot is €10,300. Our deepest sympathies to SarahMcNally and family on the death of her father Patrick Morgan. Ar dheis De go raibh aanam dilis.