There was no winner of this Weeks’s jackpot of €2,500The numbers were 1, 9, 21, 28The 5 luck dip winners were• Stephen Cashel• Jasmine Bissett• J Brogan• Susan Kelly• Anna ClareNext week’s Jackpot will be €2,750.In other news;Club Juvenile Registration Days - This Sat 22nd from 11 am each day the Juvenile section will register players for the 2011 season. We welcome new members no matter what age, it’s never too late to start playing GAA.Its important that all players are registered in the month of January ahead of the Juvenile playing season starting back in early February. Non registered players are not eligible to play or train.Details will be posted on our website and will be displayed in the clubhouse.Other Website News* Players awards night and dinner dance* Goal Christmas Mile* Lotto Winner* Club Juvenile Registration Days* Gormanston 2011 News* Christmas Draw ResultsWe would like to thank you for your continued support,The Lotto CommitteeSt. Maurs GAA