YOUR RYLANE COMMUNITY PARK FUNDRAISING LOTTO DRAW Before we get in to the funny money give away can we just highlight something. Yes the RCPA finally got the go ahead for a grant worth 1.6 million.. There seems to be a perception that we now have that money in the bank to do with as we please.. WE DO NOT we will never see a penny of it, it will be compelling managed by the IRD Duhallow and will be used IN ITS ENTIRETY for the finding of our new Community Center🌞 RCPA are now needing to raise another 200,000e to actually finish the project! We're only warning up and need ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET going forward.. So peaking of giving away money... Tonight's Lucky Numbers are 5, 6 and 24.. you got em?
For our Lucky Dips Darragh O'Donoghue, Rylane won 20e from his Online Lucky Dip ticket Kathleen Crowley, Coachford and Norma O'Donnell c/o The Laine both won 20e from their Weekly Hard Copy tickets And Sean Buckley, Rylane East won the Weekly Annual Ticket draw
Well cover me in honey, roll me in sprinkles and throw me to the lesbians! JOHN AND JOAN CROWLEY WON THE JACKPOT!!! SO SO SO SO SO SO SO HAPPY FOR THEM🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 CONGRATULATIONS ONE AND ALL