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Corduff Gaels GFC

Draw Details for September 20 2020

Lotto Numbers Drawn


Prize Value Winners
Match 4 numbers to win/share.    
€ 9,900.00 0

There was  NO WINNER  of our latest Club Lotto, worth €9,900, which was held on Sunday evening, September 20th, in the Clubrooms.

The numbers drawn were;

 02 , 06 , 16 , 21 

The five €20 Lucky Dip winners were;

  1. Louise McBreen
  2. Michelle Smyth
  3. Mary McEneaney
  4. Kieran Hanratty
  5. Pat & Cara Connolly

Our next Lotto Jackpot stands at  €10,000 . The draw will take place in the Clubrooms on Sunday evening, September 27th at 8pm.

Please ensure your entry is submitted before the cut-off point at  6pm on Sunday evening .

We encourage all of our friends and supporters to play the Corduff Gaels GFC fundraising lotto. We also hope that we can all work together to promote this lotto and help get back in touch with all friends, members & ex-members of the Club, from Corduff, Co. Monaghan, who may now be living all over Ireland and the world.

Your continued support is much appreciated and we wish you good luck in future draws.

Our club's Main Sponsor:

MTM Engineering Ltd.

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