Managing Your Club Finances

Managing Member Data

Corduff Gaels GFC

Draw Details for September 13 2020

Lotto Numbers Drawn


Prize Value Winners
Match 4 numbers to win/share.    
€ 9,800.00 0

There was  NO WINNER  of our latest Club Lotto, worth €9,800, which was held on Sunday evening, September 13th, in the Clubrooms.

The numbers drawn were;

 04 , 05 , 12 , 23 

The five €20 Lucky Dip winners were;

  1. Elena McEnaney
  2. Pauric Gollogly
  3. Mickey McNally
  4. Pete Mallon
  5. Bridie Donnelly

Our next Lotto Jackpot stands at  €9,900 . The draw will take place in the Clubrooms on Sunday evening, September 20th at 8pm.

Please ensure your entry is submitted before the cut-off point at  6pm on Sunday evening . We appreciate your support now more than ever and we encourage you to do the weekly Lotto which can be played online from the comfort of your own home!

Our club's Main Sponsor:

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