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Crinkill GAA Club

Draw Details for November 26 2023

Lotto Numbers Drawn


Prize Value Winners
Match 4 numbers to win/share.    
€ 14,000.00 0
Match 3
Match 3 numbers to win/share.    
to be confirmed 0

Our Weekly Lotto Draw took place tonight and the numbers were selected using the Clubforce Automatic Generator.

The Numbers Drawn were 2,6,26,35 

There were no match 4's or match 3's so 5 lucky dips were drawn each winning €40 

The lucky winners were : 

Leoni Moten - The Terrace Crinkill - On Line 

Ailish Hart - Grove Street Crinkill - On Line 

Kieran Jennings c/o John Smyh Barbers 

Martin Hogan  - Shannon Grove, Eyrecourt Co Galway 

Brendan Kennedy - An Corran Crinkill 

Congratulations to all our winners 

Jackpot Next Week is €14,200 

Our Christmas Draw will take next week and will continue weekly until Christmas week. 

Thanks to all our continued loyal supporters 

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