Managing Your Club Finances

Managing Member Data

Crinkill GAA Club

Draw Details for January 1 2023

Lotto Numbers Drawn


Prize Value Winners
Match 4 numbers to win/share.    
€ 4,600.00 0
Match 3
Match 3 numbers to win/share.    
to be confirmed 0

Our Weekly Lotto Draw took place tonight and the numbers were selected using the Clubforce Automatic Number Generator 

The Numbers Drawn were 11,12,19,20 

There were no match 4's but there was one match 3 who wins €200 

That was: 

Carmel Rourke, c/o 25 Bulfin Park, Birr 

Congratulations Carmel 

Jackpot Next week is €4800 

Following an intensive review of our lotto and an in-depth analysis of the ever-increasing running costs of the club, we have decided to go from 32 numbers to 36 numbers on our weekly lotto panels. 

We hope you can understand the reasoning behind this decision and hoping you will continue to support our weekly lotto as you have been up to now.

This will come into effect from early January

Thanks to everyone for your continued support 


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