Fancy getting your hands on €8400? Well here is your chance. The Blackhall lotto is now worth exactly that.
Treat yourself to summer holiday or upgrade the car thanks to your local GAA club.
There was no winner of last weeks jackpot worth €8200. The numbers were 12,16,17,24.
Well done to our weekly €30 winners - Gerry Delany,Rose Callanan, Shay Ward and Ann Flynn. Jimmy Burke was the winner of the sellers prize.
That €8400 draw will take place on the 23rd of May in Caffreys. You can play the lotto at any of the local pubs, your local lotto seller, Bill Clarkes or online.
How about selling some tickets in your area, work or just to your family. Bill Clarke will get you set up with all you need and you will be helping the club in a huge way.
Thanks for playing and congratulations once again to our winners.