Lotto Numbers Monday, June 26th 2023
Lotto Tickets can be purchased in Doon at O'Sullivans Centra & Damien Richardson Butchers.
Cut Off time for Online Sales is 8pm every Monday.
Jackpot €5,400
Numbers Drawn 7-14-15-18.
Two Match 3 @ €30 each
1. Jer Hartnett c/o Mike Ryan.
2. James Carr, Doon South (Online).
10 Lucky Dips at €20 each
1. Dick Nihill c/o The Local.
2. MJ O'Brien, Doon (Online).
3. Ann Marie O'Brien, Oola.
4. Caroline Thompson, Dublin (Online).
5. Tom & Margaret O'Brien, Glengar.
6. Paul Ryan, Glengar (Online).
7. Dolores Buckley, Cappawhite (Online).
8. John Ryan (M), Toher Rd.
9. Dolores Buckley, Cappawhite (Online).
10. Thomas G. Hayes, Kilmoylan.