Lotto Numbers Monday December, 6th 2021
Lotto Tickets can be purchased in Doon at O'Sullivans Centra & Damien Richardson Butchers.
Cut Off time for Online Sales is 8pm every Monday.
Jackpot €12,600
Numbers Drawn 10-17-26-30.
Two Match 3 @ €30 each
1. Lorraine Ryan c/o Tom Ryan.
2. Paul Carr, Coonagh Court (Online).
10 Lucky Dips at €20 each
1. James Fox, Doon.
2. Ryan (M) Grandkids c/o Benji.
3. Ger Doyle c/o GDs Bar.
4. Christine Casey, Kilgarvan.
5. Yvonne O'Brien, Lisowen (Online).
6. Martin Fleming c/o Mike Ryan.
7. Darragh, Robbie & Sarah Jane O'Connell, Kilkenny.
8. Mairéad Power, Dromsally (Online).
9. Jeremiah T. Landers c/o Benji.
10. Brenda Cunningham, Old Garda Station, Doon (Online).
Promoters Prize, €25: Johnny Butler
Next week's Jackpot €12,800. Draw will be held in Clubhouse on December 13th 2021.
You can play our Club Lotto online here: