Lotto Numbers Monday November, 1st 2021
Lotto Tickets can be purchased in Doon at O'Sullivans Centra & Damien Richardson Butchers.
Cut Off time for Online Sales is 8pm every Monday.
Jackpot €11,400
Numbers Drawn 3-14-18-24
Three Match 3 @ €30 each
1. Eileen Francombe, Surrey, England (Online).
2. Jed c/o Barry Murphy.
3. Tommy Ryan, Pallasgreen.
10 Lucky Dips at €20 each
1. The hole in the wall gang c/o Maureen Cummins.
2. Geraldine Hanley, Cooga (Online).
3. Seán Lysaght c/o Ollie Walsh.
4. Bob Purcell c/o Benji.
5. Martina Lenihan, Muine (Online).
6. Conor & Eve Anderson c/o Donie.
7. Kevin Clancy, Toomaline (Online).
8. Nóra Kelly c/o Mary Jo.
9. Mike Ryan (C), Muine (Online).
10. The 5 of Us c/o Ger Doyles.