Lotto Numbers Monday May, 24th 2021
Lotto Tickets can be purchased in Doon at O'Sullivans Centra & Damien Richardson Butchers.
Cut Off time for Online Sales is 8pm every Monday.
Jackpot €7,000
Numbers Drawn 4-7-13-21
Fourteen Match 3s @ €30 each
1. John Cummins, Carrigmore (Online).
2. Niall Ryan c/o Eddie Stapleton.
3. Maisie Cummins, Coonagh Court (Online).
4. Betty Anderson, Lisnakella.
5. Christine O'Brien, Coonagh Court (Online).
6. Jim McGrath, Gurtavalla.
7. Sharon Ryan (Al), Coonagh Court (Online).
8. Eoin Fox c/o Seánie Fox, The Local.
9. Fr. Jimmy Donnelly, The Parochial House (Online).
10. Tom Ryan, Cliggin.
11. Fionn Carew, Glengar (Online).
12. Aidan O'Brien, Glengar.
13. Ellen Cummins, Carrigmore (Online).
14. Sarah Murphy c/o Ann McPartland.
10 Lucky Dips at €20 each
1. Darragh Hanley, Gurtavalla.
2. Tony Curtin, Carnahalla (Online).
3. Darragh O'Donovan, Oola.
4. Séamus White, Church St. Doon (Online).
5. William Hennessy, Landscape, Pallasgreen.
6. Aidan O'Brien, Glengar.
7. Mossie Gleeson, Cappamore.
8. Jamsie Butler, Carrigbeg.
9. Amy Ryan, Cliggin (Online).
10. Josie Casey Ryan, Cliggin.
Promoters Prize, €25: Pat Whelan
Next week's Jackpot €7,200. Draw will be held in Clubhouse on May 31st 2021.
You can play our Club Lotto online here: