Lotto Numbers Monday January, 25th 2021
Lotto Tickets can be purchased in Doon at O'Sullivans Centra & Damien Richardson Butchers.
Cut Off time for Online Sales is 8pm every Monday.
Jackpot €3,600
Numbers Drawn 19-22-25-27
No Match 3s @ €30 each
12 Lucky Dips at €20 each
1. Pat Whelan, Doon.
2. The Quirkes, Dundrum.
3. Shane Ryan, Reenavanna, Doon (Online).
4. Mike Hayes, Moanduff.
5. Emma McGrath, Kilmoylan (Online).
6. Breda Leahy, Coolbawn.
7. Patrick, Jack & Liam Cummins, Carrigmore (Online).
8. Tom & Margaret O'Brien, Glengar.
9. Michael Hayes, Cooga.
10. Connie Birrane, Carrigbeg (Online).
11. Josie Ryan (S), Cliggin.
12. Paul Ryan, Moanahilla, Oola.
Promoters Prize, €25: Margaret Griffin
Next week's Jackpot €3,600. Draw will be held in Clubhouse on February 1st 2021.