Shercock Gaelic and Athletic clubs weekly lotto draw was held on Thursday 1st June in the Drop Inn where the jackpot was €4200. The winning numbers were 2,11,17 & 21
There was no jackpot winner. Ten lucky dip winners receive €20 each:
1.Colm O'Reilly online
2.Conor Rooney
3.Eamon Marron
4.John Sankey
5.Fergus Clerkin
6.Sean & Anna Clarke
7.Angela Hamilton
8.Paidi McMahon
9.Willie O'Reilly
10.Bridget Doyle
Next week’s draw will be on Thursday 8th in Traynor's, when the jackpot will be €4,300 and the selling team will be Senior ladies c/o Lauren Browne