Shercock Gaelic and Athletic clubs weekly lotto draw was held on Thursday 29th in Traynor's where the jackpot was €10,800. The winning numbers were 1,6,18,26.
There was no jackpot winner. Ten lucky dip winners receive €20 each:
1.Kieran McDermott
2.U17 Managment & Liam
3.Aiden Smith
4.John Gray
5.Darah O'Reilly
6.Claire Sherdian
7.James McEnroe
8.Gerard & Noleen
9.Collette Farelly
10.Rose McEvoy
Next week’s draw will be on Thursday 6th October in Burn's when the jackpot will be 10,900 and the selling team will be Tom & Paul. Thank you for entering our draw.