Managing Your Club Finances

Managing Member Data

Dromore St. Dympnas GFC

Draw Details for March 13 2019

Lotto Numbers Drawn


Prize Value Winners
Match 6 numbers to win/share.    
GBP£ 25,000.00 0
Match 5
Match 5 numbers to win/share.    
GBP£ 125.00 2
Match 4
Match 4 numbers to win/share.    
GBP£ 10.00 28


MATCH 5 WINNER (£125 each)

Seamus Garrity, O’Neill Terrace

Mena Maguire, Drumquin

MATCH 4 WINNERS (£10 each)

Cecil Clyde x 6 

Martin Curran (OL)

Mark Hunter (OL)

Danny Maguire (OL)

Damian McGale (OL)

Marina Campbell

Edel Kelly

Sheenagh Colton

Damian Hunter

Collette McCusker

Aileen MuJoy McBrearty

Stephen McBrearty

Mary P McNulty

Majella Myers

Josie Garrity

Eugene McGuigan

Mary McCusker


Our seniors lost out to Kilcoo in the Ulster league semi final last Sunday and now turn their attention to the start of the league on 31st March when they will play Eglish away in the first game.  

The U21’s lost out to Carrickmore last Friday evening, they are due to play Killyclogher this Friday at 8:00 weather permitting. Our U14's are at home to Killyclogher on Saturday at 12:00. 

Coaching for U8’s – U12’s will start on Saturday 23rd March at 10:00. Any child who is not registered can register on the morning. 

The deadline for applications for a grant for children attending the Gaeltacht this summer is 31st March, applications must be made in writing to Joe Rafferty, 18 The Croft. 

Club membership is now due, membership fees are £50 for adults and £10 for children and can be paid in cash / cheque at Montague’s Shop or to any committee member, online via the link on facebook or by standing order, standing order forms are available in Montague’s Shop. 

Edwin Colton was the winner of the Cairde Droim Mor members draw winning £250. 

Votes of sympathy were passed at the recent monthly meeting to the McDermott, McGrath, Kelly (Trillick) and McCusker families on their recent bereavements.

**** A reminder that all winnings can be collected in Montague's Costcutter, Dromore. Online winners can also arrange for payment to be made via paypal or by cheque by emailing ****

Please Note

The prize amounts above are what each winner will receive.

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